智能情景模式(Agent) forandroid v1.4.4 安卓版 下载-
虽然「 Agent 」可能没有其他自动化管理 App 的功能那么多,但是相对的,「 Agent 」完全不需要设定,一安装就有用,保证一般用户也能上手,而其提供的上述自动化功能,也都是最切合大家日常需要的,非常值得试试看。
-Button to share your parking location!
-Persistent Notification option, synced with agent activation
-Ability to pause and restart Sleep and Meeting agents from the notification
-NEW PERMISSION: Working on a feature that tells you if someone is busy when you call them. We are NOT routing any calls, just using the "Outgoing Call" event to show you if someone is busy.
-Button to manually stop and start agents!
-Option to play a sound when an agent starts
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